Tuesday, January 6, 2015


I know by writing this, there is a chance I might offend someone. I want whoever chooses to read this to realize that I have no intention of offending, but sharing something I have learned about myself. I have seen a lot of informational posts lately about introverts on social media and I want to discuss this in my own space.
If people know me under superficial circumstances, they may think that I am not an introvert. I can be engaging and I can talk to people. But it's not easy. It's something I am learning and have been learning how to do.
Last year at one point, I was afraid that I was developing an anxiety disorder. I remember being in a group of people, many of whom I knew, and all I wanted to do was run. I was fighting feelings of panic. I had to be there and I couldn't leave. For several months, I unconsciously dwelt on those feelings, and started to use them as excuses as to why I didn't want to do various things.
Then several months later, I went to a huge gathering of people. The convention center in Salt Lake City was packed. I had to sit in a place surrounded by thousands of people and no quick escape route. What absolutely astounded me at the time was I was fine.
I started exploring and studying more about the influences our emotions have, studying the potentials we have in all kinds of places, from the scriptures, to the medical research available to the holistic and alternative.
From the holistic world, I learn methods that help me, I have also learned about the physical effects that these emotions have. There are mental exercises that help me, and as always, I love the support essential oils have given. This gives me tools to work with.
On the spiritual side, I am learning so much about who I am, and how to strengthen my relationship with God. I am more than my fears, limitations and phobias. I can rise above them. There is a scripture that stands out to me that I want to share.
The first is Ether 12:27, "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."
I am thankful for my weakness. It has helped me turn to God, to my Heavenly Father. He has shown me that I am more than the insignificance I feel so often. I am His and I want to be one of His messengers, sharing this message that we are more than we seem. As I learn about my weaknesses, I become more aware and compassionate of the weakness that others struggle with as well. I have amazing people who have been my angels when I needed people to lean upon, and I want to be there for others to lean on as well. My weaknesses have also guided me on my path as to what I want to do with my life.
What I want to say to those who identify as introverts, is don't get caught up in it. If there is something that is holding you back, turn to your Higher Power, whoever that is, and let go, even if it is a tiny piece at a time. As you grow stronger, reach out in ways that your are inspired to and help someone else. This not only helps the person you are reaching out to, but it also helps you.

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