Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Developing an Understanding of Emotions...

Yesterday as I was walking my 8 year old daughter to school, she was talking about how mad the other kids in her music class made her. She said that they talk to each other and are rude to the teacher, who is one of her favorite teachers. It is not uncommon to pick her up from other activities where groups of kids her age make her frustrated and upset in similar ways for the same reasons. I just let her talk and get her frustration out, then try to help her. I tell her that she can't change the kids around her, but she can work really hard on making sure she is 100% focused on her teacher. Then I also make sure she has her essential oils on before she heads out to school. She loves them.

The sad thing is I can totally relate. I can't tell you how many times I have walked into a group of people and within a few minutes wanted to turn around and run. There have been a few times I have even felt like I was starting to have a panic attack. I have never really thought about it much until working through it with my daughter. I always thought it was me developing a fear of groups or something like that. As I look more and more into it, I realize that I am hypersensitive to the emotions of other  people. With this awareness, I am able to understand what is going on, and why I feel this way. That makes all the difference somehow!

As I am writing this post, I have taken a few opportunities for deep thought. As I sit quietly and think, it allows me to connect with my Father in Heaven. Here is what has come to me:

Thoughts create emotions. These emotions give us the drive and the will-power to act, whether for good or bad. There is a special kind of energy that is created by these emotions that we feel. As I study this subject from many different sources, I have new understanding from the scriptures. In the Book of Mormon, it says "But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, everything which inviteth and enticeth to do good and to love God and to serve him, is inspired of God...For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for everything which inviteth to do good , and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God. But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God, then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil; for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one; neither do his angels; neither do they who subject themselves unto him....Wherefore I beseech of you brethren (and sisters!) that ye should search diligently in the light of Christ that ye may know good from evil; and if ye will lay hold upon every good thing, and condemn it not, ye certainly will be a child of Christ. (Moroni 7:13, 16, 17, 19)" How powerful is that!!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Quote of the Night

Victor Frankl changed my life as a teenager when I read his book Man's Search For Meaning. This quote is from that book and pretty much sums it up. I feel there is a great deal of truth in this quote. I think this attitude that we chose to have also determines how we address our health issues. Are we victims of circumstance? Or do we take what we have as a place to start from and learn and grow?

Gluten Free flour combo

Gluten free is a topic that will show itself periodically on this blog. There is a lot of research and information that connects autoimmune disease with gluten sensitivity. As I have an autoimmune disease, this is of course a focus of interest to me. The sad thing is that the incidence rate of people with autoimmune disease is increasing.
Anyway, about this combo...
I have a friend who is a great healer. She is a chiropractor, nutritionist, and an acupuncturist. Her name is Sue Schulz and she recently published the book Food for Energy and Health Month by Month. In this book, she wrote, "Rye can be ground and mixed with buckwheat to make flour that can be used in all recipes instead of white flour. Buckwheat and rye together increase the muscle strength. The effect is apparent within 3 days." That greatly impressed me as some of the gluten free flour options are low in nutrients and are basically fillers. My initial impression was that it would be a strong tasting flour and was a bit hesitant. However, when I tasted a banana cake she had made using a Betty Crocker cookbook recipe, I was in heaven. It was rich and moist and dense and it was banana cake...not health food!
So try it! Use a 1:1 ratio (one portion buckwheat flour and one portion rye flour). It will take some time and some practice, so don't get discouraged if what you make isn't quite right. There may even be some recipes that just aren't the best with this combo.
I have used it to make cookies, pancakes, quick breads and even tortillas. I have no desire to try it using yeast...I have a feeling it woudn't turn out very well!
Here is a zucchini bread recipe that I really like. It comes from Peas and Thank You by Sarah Matheny.
2 1/2 cups flour (use your buckwheat and rye)
3/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp cinnamon
1/3 cup oil (I use coconut because it has a high heat tolerance)
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 cup sugar (I have used honey as well)
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups shredded zucchini
(if it seems too dry, it is okay to add more applesauce and some water to get the right texture. I have had the problem with this being way too dry)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Combine wet ingredients in one bowl and dry ingredients in another bowl. Add dry mixture to wet mixture and stir until just combined.
Pour batter into a prepared loaf pan and bake for 50-60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the bread comes out clean.
Place loaf on a cooling rack and let cool completely before slicing.


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Quote of the Night


I have to comment just a bit on this one. This is a quote that feels like it is meant for me. I have a dream. I have much to do to accomplish this dream. It is sometimes discouraging because I am not a patient person. However, giving up is not an option. I just need to keep pressing forward...because the time will pass anyway. I know there are people out there who are have similar struggles. So don't give up. Keep taking steps because even the littlest steps get you further than no steps.



Today was a busy day. It was an enriching day. It is a day worth remembering:
Today was a running club day. I am the instructor/coach for the second group of kids. It is beautiful to interact with these kids, to have them say hi when they see me, to watch their light and personalities.
Today was the first day of volunteering for the reading program. I have 2 kids that I will be working with weekly in helping them read. One boy was excited because he knew who I was...I had worked with him last year when he was in my daughter's class.
Today I was blessed to stop and converse with a couple of friends. One friend I stopped to help and another friend I stopped for help. It is precious to have friends who I need and who need me back.
Today I spent quality time with my son as I drove him around. We went to a field trip and then to Ikea. Quality time where we are sharing and conversing together is so important.
Today I was able to make a dinner that my husband liked...that doesn't happen very often. It was a new meal and the whole family enjoyed it.
Today I took responsibility for my health. I exercised and I made good and healthy food choices. It was empowering, and I only struggled a little.
Today was a good day, a full day, a blessed day.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Quote for the Night

Long day today, and somewhat emotionally tiring. This quote felt appropriate:

Have a good night!


The Journey

Everyone has a journey that shapes their perceptions, attitudes and belief structure. I believe that who we are is a process that is constantly evolving and reshaping.There are a few things that have greatly shaped who I am right now.
First and foremost is my belief structure. I believe in God. I know he knows each of us and that he loves us more than we can imagine. I believe that he has a Plan for us. Life is more than just getting by. We are here to learn and grow, develop our talents, and serve our fellow man. We are here to have joy and to spread joy around us.

My family is another component of who I am. They are more important to me than any other material thing. Many of my choices are based upon what is best for my family. This doesn't mean I need to be a doormat or have no sense of self. The dreams and desires I have are good, but I want to achieve those things in a way that benefits my family.

My health is the other major aspect of who I am.

I was trained in a very traditional manner as a nurse. In the beginning, I had no reason to question. So I followed blindly, accepting that western medicine is the only way, and when there was no solution, then that is that. After all, it was all I knew. Then I developed PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). Long story short, I couldn't accept that there was nothing I could do. I started questioning and taking charge of my own health. My stress level was high, but I was doing what I could with nutrition and exercise.

Then I developed Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (an autoimmune condition that attacks the thyroid). Again, I refused to believe that there was nothing I could do. I started studying and opening my mind. One thing always leads to another. I am learning that there is much more to health than nutrition and exercise. Optimal health is a multi-faceted thing that encompasses multiple areas and requires a balance. Some of these areas include: mental health, spirituality, social, stress control, nutrition and physical activity. I am sure that there are areas I am missing. But that's the beauty of it...it's a journey. I just know I am on the road to learning how to achieve optimal health. I want to be able to help everyone I can and empower them along the way.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Quote of the Night

This lady has some of my absolute favorite quotes.I'm sure I will be sharing more of her work later on...

Good night!


Long Day

Funny how the days I that I don't "go to work," are the days I feel more tired at the end of the day. It seems that there is so much to do. It is all quite rewarding and good. Just tiring. I think it is time to soak my feet in lavendar and peppermint and epsom salts then go to bed.

Motivated to change

I just finished school. In the course of school, I let a few things go and gained a few extra bad habits and even more extra pounds. Time to let it go! What better place to address this than my blog?

Goal: Lose 1 lb/week through the end of the year. So at least 13 lbs
Why: I need to to control my autoimmune disease and PCOS. I need to feel comfortable in my skin. I want to get back into running, and it is a lot easier with less poundage.
How: 1. Cardio 5-6 x/week for at least 30 min
          2. Resistance training 4 x/week
          3. Work with www.myfitnesspal.com to track fitness and nutritional progress
          4. Take at least 10 minutes daily to close my eyes and meditate.
          5. Use Lemon and Slim and Sassy oils in my water to help me along
          6. Target calories is 1330/day
          7. Eat LOTS of vegetables--at every meal and snack
          8. Eat no processed sugar. Occasional raw honey is ok and stevia drops, but nothing else.
          9. No gluten products and very little dairy.
          10. Don't bury any emotional issues, rather work through them in an appropriate manner
          11. Get at least 7 hours of sleep nightly.

That is my current plan. It is subject to tweaking as needed.

Time to take care of myself again! Is anyone else with me?

Monday, September 22, 2014

Quote for the Night

C. S. Lewis is one of my favorite authors. He has so many quotes it is hard to pick just one.
This one fits my thoughts of my journey in life up to this point:


Have a good night!


Crazy thought #1

I have lots of crazy thoughts. The ones that apply to the subject matter of this blog I am going to post about and number them. I wonder how many crazy thought posts I can come up with...


I want to learn quantum physics. This means I have to learn regular physics and lots of math that I have never loved first, but suddenly I have a motivation. It may take time to get to this desire because there are so many things to do and learn. I want to do this because I want to learn the science behind energy. As I learn about kinesiology, meridians, and other energy related topics I keep hearing about quantum physics. For me it is not enough to know that something works. I want to know how and why as much as possible. For now though, faith and physical evidence has to be enough. Some things just have to be that way.
So much to know...

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Quote for the night

I love this! Have a good night!


I have a love hate relationship with making plans. I know I get more done when I plan my day/week out. I like that...I even could say I love that. What I don't like is being feeling like I am tied down. I resent and even hate that fact. I am the type that likes to do whatever I think needs to be done at the time. It is also just one more thing to do. So, as I sit down and attempt to fill out my planner (which is a cute one...cute always makes it better, right?), I try to think of what is essential...What is important...what is time clutter...what absolutely is essential? What are my priorities? How much time do I want to spend learning and building and setting the foundation for my current and future dreams? How do I improve my relationship with my husband? How do I help my children? How much time do I have to work? What do I need do to get my home clean and organized? How do I help and support my friends? What do I do to strengthen my relationship with my Father in Heaven? What would He have me do?


Today I connected with a friend I haven't talked to in a few years. It's my fault. Life got in the way and I couldn't do anymore than I was doing. I tend to withdraw from the world when I get too busy. It is a sad thing because I miss out on all the good that I turn away from. 
Though we didn't talk for long, it was amazing to me that it was as if no time had passed. This friend has pursued a parallel path to mine and has found much success and truth in her path. I love how true friends can support and lift and guide each other. Together they are so much stronger than when they go along on their own. It is truly magical and wonderful.

Music Soothes the Soul

I love it when I am introduced to new singers that somehow I have never heard of before. Yesterday I learned of a guy named Nathan Pacheco. The 3 songs I heard from him were totally new and they were beautiful. They touched me to the core and brought tears to my eyes. 
It made me think. Music has the ability to make me feel things that I guard myself from. I don't think I am the only one. Why do we do this? Is it because we are vulnerable when we feel? Maybe it just takes too much effort to feel so deeply. Thank goodness for music to turn on the switch and help us! I believe that those feelings heal us on an emotional and even a spiritual level.It can take us to great heights and help us connect with the divine--or do the exact opposite.  
I put on Nathan Pacheco's music on this afternoon as I did some mundane chores and concentrated on what I felt. It was beautiful! 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Convention season

I am kind of new to using essential oils. I have had them around and have dabbled with them for a couple of years, but have been way too busy with school to feel like I can really learn them and use them in my daily life. It really can be overwhelming.
Well, the last 3 days have changed all that. I went to the DoTERRA annual convention. There was so much science and education and learning opportunities. My mind is seriously overwhelmed, but my spirits are high and I finally have caught the vision. I am sorry I didn't take pictures...I was too busy taking notes and trying to navigate my way around 18,000+ people. Yeah.
My eyes have been opened, and there is no turning back.
So there are 3 things I want to briefly discuss in this post. I am not trying to sell a company. However, when a company is this unbelievably wonderful, I have to share. I kept waiting to see something that would backfire, but I didn't.
So, first thing is the science. These guys are leading the way to promote education and research. They use, encourage and enable research in 1) the chemical make up of the oils, 2) how the oils impact the pathways and mechanism within the human body, 3) ways to effectively use these oils. This post is probably not doing justice to the types of research that is being done. As a doctor who spoke today said, "Take the PubMed challenge." In other words, don't take my word for it, go look it up!
Second is the humanitarian side of the company. So much is done. There is the Helping Hands Foundation. All money goes directly to people in need. Many of the higher earning people spend large amounts of their own money to serve and help those who need it. The goal is not to spend money to waste it, but to use it for the good of man. The people who own the company are some of the most real, humble people I have seen.
Third is the product itself. As I learn about the action of the individual oils, and experience the difference for myself and see it in my family's I am just in awe. The fact that it is safe to use internally as well as topically is very unique.
I want to incorporate this in my practice. I have been doing a lot of thinking of what I want to do with my future. Essential oils have a part in it, that is for sure. I will share some of my thoughts and notes in the coming posts.

On Fire!!!

I need a place to come and share. I feel like I am on the verge of something great. What exactly is in store for me, I don't really know. That is okay.
Life for me is a journey...an adventure. I believe everything that happens has a lesson and has worth and value. It would be really easy to look at the struggles I have had and get discouraged. But what good would that do. It only makes things worse to have a view like that.
My struggles have shaped my life in so many ways. I have views that I never would have believed. I have desires I would never have dreamed. Some people knew growing up what they wanted out of life. For me, my desires are ever evolving.
I believe achieving my best health and helping my friends and acquaintances achieve the same is so ESSENTIAL. The subject matter of this blog will be anything health related. I am SUPER excited for the great adventure this blog is going to take me. Life is AMAZING!!!